Luna Chronicles Wikia


Ally Growth Description


{Update in progress}

● ▬▬▬▬▬ ๑۩۩๑ ▬▬▬▬▬ ●

Ally Enhancing[]

Preview :

Screenshot 2015-09-29-17-56-49

➀ : Team Panel

➁ : Target Ally

➂➃➄➅➆ : Material Allies

➇ : Enhance Button (Requires an amount of Gold Gold)

Usage :

➤ Choose an ally from Team Panel (➀, will be shown in Target Ally [➁]),

➤ Choose ally/allies from Team Panel (➀, will be shown in Material Allies [➂➃➄➅➆]),

➤ Click Enhance Button (➇, required Gold Gold will be shown on the left).

Extra notes :

➤ To check an ally's information, long tab the icon of the ally;

➤ Be careful while enhancing allies, there is no confirm button.

Example : ➁ ➕ ➂➃➄➅➆ ➔ ➁ (Enhanced)

Screenshot 2015-09-29-17-56-39

● ▬▬▬▬▬ ๑۩۩๑ ▬▬▬▬▬ ●

Ally Evolving/Awakening[]

Preview :

Screenshot 2015-09-29-18-30-31

➀ : Team Panel

➁ : Target Ally

➂ : Required evolution materials

➃ : Evolve Button (Requires an amount of Gold Gold)

➄ : Various evolution materials currently owned

Usage :

➤ Choose an ally from Team Panel (➀, will be shown in Target Ally [➁]),

➤ Click Enhance Button (➃, required Gold Gold will be shown on the left).

Table of 'Gem usage for Evolution/Awakening'

Gems ★1⇢★2 ★2⇢★3 ★3⇢★4 ★4⇢★5 ★5⇢★6 ★6⇢Awaken
Basic Ally Gem 10 20 - - - -
Intermediate Ally Gem - - 10 20 - -
Advanced Ally Gem - - - - 10 -
Premium Ally Gem - - - - - (❓)

Example : ➁ ➕ ➂ (See above table) ➔ ➁ (Evolved/Awakened)

Screenshot 2015-09-29-18-30-25

(❓) {A picture of awakening allies is needed!}

● ▬▬▬▬▬ ๑۩۩๑ ▬▬▬▬▬ ●

Ally Combining[]

Preview :

Screenshot 2015-09-29-19-04-03

➀ : Team Panel

➁➂ : Material Allies

➃ : Combine Button

Usage :

➤ Choose two same grade allies from Team Panel (➀, will be shown in Material Allies [➁➂]),

➤ Click Combine Button (➃, required Gold Gold will be shown on the left).

Example : ➁ ➕ ➂ ➔ A random same grade ally | Read more

Screenshot 2015-09-29-19-04-17

● ▬▬▬▬▬ ๑۩۩๑ ▬▬▬▬▬ ●

Ally Transcending[]

Preview :

Screenshot 2015-09-29-19-04-25

➀ : Team Panel

➁ : Targert Ally (will not disappear)

➂ : Material Ally (will disappear)

➃ : Transcend Button

Usage :

➤ Choose two exact same allies from Team Panel one by one (➀, will be shown in ➁➂),

➤ Click Transcend Button (➃, required Gold Gold will be shown on the left).

Example : ➁ ➕ ➂ ➔ ➁ (Transcended)

Screenshot 2015-09-29-19-04-30
